Fortnite are actualizarea cu numarul 9.40 disponibila pentru jucatorii din lumea intreaga, si ea aduce o serie interesanta de noutati pentru toata lumea. Una dintre primele schimbari notabile pe care Fortnite le are in aceasta versiune este reintroducerea unor versiuni mai puternice de shotgun-uri pentru toti jucatorii.
Fortnite are deasemenea reintrodusa o arma cu luneta pentru sniperi, care ii ajuta pe jucatori sa-si ucida mai rapid concurentii de la distante foarte mari. Ambele arme sunt gandite pentru a face damage mai mare impotriva jucatorilor din Fortnite, si ambele pot fi gasite mult mai usor decat pana acum, deci schimbarile sunt foarte bune.
Iata lista completa de schimbari notabile pe care Fortnite le are implementate in versiunea 9.40 disponibila chiar acum :
- “Picking up an item that fills a stack and creates an overflow will no longer result in the currently equipped item being dropped.
- Instead of causing the currently-equipped weapon to be dropped, the overflow will be dropped.
- Players will now automatically pick up a consumable if it is already in their inventory and not maxed out.
- If the auto pickup fills a stack, the overflow will be dropped.
- Players can now pick up items more easily when standing on top of them.
- Bushes no longer block players from being healed by a Chug Splash.
- The Chug Splash now properly auto-sorts to the rightmost inventory slot when picked up, like other consumables.
- If a player using a Shadow Bomb enters a vehicle, the Shadow Bomb effect will no longer remain active after the effect should have ended.
- Fixed an issue in which players would experience abnormally slow gliding after using a Rift-to-Go.
- Consumables associated with a bar (Shield Potion, Med Kit, etc.) are now consistently usable by players riding a Zipline.”