iOS 13.3.1 a fost lansat cu doar cateva momente in urma de catre compania Apple pentru iPhone, iPad, si iPod Touch-urile din intreaga lume dupa o perioada de testare mai lunga pentru ca s-a intersectat cu sarbatorile de iarna.
iOS 13.3.1 nu vine cu foarte multe schimbari pentru iPhone, iPad, si iPod Touch-urile din intreaga lume, dar compania Apple a rezolvat totusi o problema mare, cea din cauza careia locatia noastra era constant preluata.
iOS 13.3.1 are urmatoarea lista de schimbari pentru iPhone, iPod Touch:
- “Fixes an issue in Communication Limits that could allow a contact to be added without entering the Screen Time passcode
- Adds a setting to control the use of location services by the U1 Ultra Wideband chip
- Addresses an issue that could cause a momentary delay before editing a Deep Fusion photo taken on iPhone 11 or iPhone 11 Pro
- Resolves an issue with Mail that could cause remote images to load even when the “Load Remote Images” setting is disabled
- Fixes an issue that could cause multiple undo dialogs to appear in Mail
- Addresses an issue where FaceTime could use the rear facing ultra-wide camera instead of the wide camera
- Resolves an issue where push notifications could fail to be delivered over Wi-Fi
- Addresses a CarPlay issue that could cause distorted sound when making phone calls in certain vehicles
- Introduces support for Indian English Siri voices for HomePod”
iPadOS 13.3.1 a fost lansat deasemenea pentru tabletele iPad, si aduce urmatoarele noutati :
- “Fixes an issue in Communication Limits that could allow a contact to be added without entering the Screen Time passcode
- Addresses an issue with Mail that could cause remote images to load even when the “Load Remote Images” setting is disabled
- Fixes an issue that could cause multiple undo dialogs to appear in Mail
- Resolves an issue where push notifications could fail to be delivered over Wi-Fi
- Introduces support for Indian English Siri voices for HomePod”