Vladimir Putin ar putea lua decizia de a ataca Transnistria, conform informatiilor furnizate de catre CIA, ceva ce se zvoneste de ceva vreme deja, dar ceva care pana in momentul de fata a fost negat de NATO in repetate randuri, asa ca informatiile venite din SUA ar putea avea cu totul alte surse, mai credibile.
Vladimir Putin nu a dat oficial de inteles pana acum ca razboiul din Ucraina s-ar putea extinde si in Transnistria, insa Ucraina a afirmat in repetate randuri ca razboiul se va extinde dincolo de granitele sale, in Republica Moldova, nu doar in Transnistria, ceea ce ramane, din pacate, o posibilitate afirmata si de SUA.
“Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision to focus his military’s efforts in eastern Ukraine is probably a “temporary shift to regain the initiative,” the U.S.’s top intelligence official told senators Tuesday.
“We assess President Putin is preparing for prolonged conflict in Ukraine during which he still intends to achieve goals beyond the Donbas” region, Avril Haines, the director of national intelligence, told a hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee on “worldwide threats.””
#Putin is preparing for a protracted war in #Ukraine and may want to expand the fighting into the territory of the self-proclaimed republic of #Transnistria, according to #US intelligence.https://t.co/aOErnePskh
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 10, 2022