iPad 4 are un chip A6x cu un procesor dual-core tactat la 1.4 GHz, cu 100 MHz mai rapid decat cel din iPhone 5, insa tableta are si un chip grafic nou, de 2 ori mai puternic decat cel din iPad 3. PowerVR SGX 554 MP4 este procesorul grafic quad-core din iPad 4, el inlocuind batranul PowerVR SGX 543MP4 care il regasi in iPad 3 si intr-o formula diferita in iPhone 5. In graficul de mai sus aveti o prezentare tehnica a sa, iar mai jos aveti cateva benchmark-uri care demonstreaza faptul ca iPad 4 are performante grafice de 2 ori mai bune decat iPad 3.
The A6X retains the 128-bit wide memory interface of the A5X (and it keeps the memory controller interface adjacent to the GPU cores and not the CPU cores as is the case in the A5/A6). It also integrates two of Apple’s new Swift cores running at up to 1.4GHz (a slight increase from the 1.3GHz cores in the iPhone 5’s A6). The big news today is what happens on the GPU side. A quick look at the GLBenchmark results for the new iPad 4 tells us all we need to know. The A6X moves to a newer GPU core: the PowerVR SGX 554.
Majoritatea benchmark-urilor demonstreaza ca tableta iPad 4 nu are deocamdata rival in ceea ce priveste gaming-ul, principalele sale competitoare fiind mult in urma in ceea ce priveste performantele. iPad 3 avea nevoie de mai multa putere de procesare, Apple i-a oferit-o, insa impreuna cu ea a oferit si mai multa putere grafica, iar in viitorul apropiat ne putem astepta ca in App Store sa apara jocuri din ce in ce mai complexe, care vor folosi la potential maxim tot ceea ce are tableta de oferit.
Ultimately it looks like the A6X is the SoC that the iPad needed to really deliver good gaming performance at its native resolution. I would not be surprised to see more game developers default to 2048 x 1536 on the new iPad rather than picking a lower resolution and enabling anti-aliasing. The bar has been set for this generation and we’ve seen what ARM’s latest GPU can do, now the question is whether or not NVIDIA will finally be able to challenge Imagination Technologies when it releases Wayne/Tegra 4 next year.