Tableta iPad devine din ce in ce mai populara in mediul academit, iar o universitate din Sydney porneste un program prin care intentioneaza sa ofere 11.000 de tablete iPad catre profesori si studentii inrolati in anul universitar viitor. Tableta iPad a fost aleasa partial multumita aplicatiei iBooks, cartilor disponibile in App Store, programelor cu ajutorul carora pot fi dezvoltate carti pentru iBooks Store, dar si a versatilitatii tabletelor celor de la Apple.
The university said in a statement it would distribute 11,000 iPads to each new student and all academic staff in 2013 “to support learning and teaching innovations across the curriculum and in informal learning environments”. “Over the next couple of years UWS will challenge some of the traditional lecture-style presentations by including more of the interactive learning that students value so much,” she said. “Mobile technologies will be a key part of this strategy. We want to support our academic staff to make the most of iPads and custom-designed apps in class so that, even in the largest lecture theatre, students have access to just-for-me, just-in-time interactive learning experiences.”
Pentru iPad sunt disponibile tot felul de carti si sisteme online care permit studentilor si profesorilor sa acceseze continut educational chiar daca sunt acasa sau oriunde altundeva unde exista o conexiune de internet. Tableta iPad nu a fost singura luata in considerare de catre universitate, produsele Samsung au fost luate in calcul, insa se pare ca deocamdata Apple ofera mai multe pentru mediul educational.