Iata-l pe castigatorul iTunes Gift card-ului oferit de Apple

  Brandon Ashmore este numele tanarului american de 21 de ani din imagine, el reusind sa efectueze descarcarea cu numarul 50 de miliarde din App Store si sa castige un iTunes Gift Card in valoare de 10.000$ oferit de catre compania Apple. Tanarul originar din Mentor, Ohio, a decis sa descarce 5 aplicatii in seara in care App Store-ul se apropia de atingerea recordului, iar Say the Same Thing i-a purtat noroc. Tanarul student dorea sa descarce acele 5 aplicatii cu cateva zile in urma, insa s-a decis sa astepte, in ideea ca ar putea castiga.

MENTOR, Ohio – A man from Mentor won a $10,000 gift card from Apple for downloading the 50 billionth app.  He told NewsChannel5 he saved up about five apps to download on his iPhone 5 Wednesday night to try to win the contest – but he thought it was a prank when an Apple representative called him. But Ashmore said the caller had too much information about him for it not to be real. Ashmore said he’s not sure yet how he’s going to spend the credit, which he referred to as free music, movies and books for life. A Mentor High graduate, Ashmore said he’s studying computer science at Lakeland Community College.

  Desigur ca el a crezut ca totul este o gluma cand a fost sunat de cater Apple pentru a fi anuntat ca a castigat, prin aceeasi experienta trecand si castigatorii anilor anteriori. Premiul de 10.000$ oferit de catre compania Apple ii va permite sa descarce orice doreste din App Store si probabil asta il va face un client mult mai fidel.