Fiind prezent la o conferinta a universitatii Duke din SUA, Tim Cook a vorbit intr-un interviu despre calitatile unui bun colaborator si despre ceea ce cauta el intr-un asemenea viitor angajat al Apple. Cook sustine ca un bun colaborator nu trebuie sa fie egoist, trebuie sa fie capabil sa isi sustina ideile si sa le promoveze in orice conditii, trebuie sa stie sa lucrezein echipa si sa isi sustina colegii, nu trebuie sa fie mereu in centrul atentie si sa caute recunoastere pentru orice fel de merite, inclsiv cele care nu ii apartin.
This was among the advice Apple CEO Tim Cook shared with students at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business on April 26th. Back on campus for his 25-year reunion, Cook took part in an hour-long dialogue with Fuqua Dean Bill Boulding and the students in a jam-packed Geneen Auditorium buzzing with excitement to hear from the leader of the world’s most profitable company. The Apple CEO has embarked on a career far different than he had envisioned after graduating from Fuqua’s Evening Executive MBA program in 1988. “For me the journey was not predictable at all. You have to find your own north star and stay with your north star.”
Practic Tim Cook cauta un angajat perfect care sa asculte ordinele, sa aiba idei proprii, sa si le sustina cu orice pret, sa isi sustina subordonatii si sa ii motiveze sa dea “ce au mai bun din ei”, iar daca voi aveti macar o parte dintre aceste calitati, stiti ca puteti avea succes intr-o companie multinationala.