Desi multa lume asteapta un nou model al Mac Pro in cadrul WWDC 2013, linia de Pro-uri a celor de la Apple pare sa fie pregatita pentru o actualizare ce ar urma sa aiba loc in a doua parte a acestui an. Discutand cu un product manager Apple pentru Mac Pro, cineva a aflat ca Apple pregateste ceva “complet diferit” pentru produsul sau, reprezentantul Apple sustinand ca asteptarea va merita. Chiar daca Apple nu a oferit detalii, se pare ca noul Mac Pro ar urma sa aiba conectivitate Thunderbolt extinsa, ar urma sa aiba suport pentru dual-GPU si va veni fara FireWire si unitati optice.
For what it’s worth – a couple of months ago I received a call from Douglas Brooks, Apples project manager for the new Mac Pro to address my concerns about the new machine. Obviously he didn’t tell me anything about the new MP, but asked me what I wanted to see. I told him expandability for extra graphics cards support, and memory expansion were at the top of my list amongst other things. His reply was simple: “You are going to be really glad that you waited [to buy a new tower]. We are doing something really different here and I think you’re going to be very excited when you see what we’ve been up to. I can’t wait to show this off”.
That conversation gave me enough confidence to wait for the new machine. I’m looking forward to the announcement. Hopefully the wait will be worth it.
Din pacate nu se stie in care perioada a anului pregateste Apple lansarea noilor Mac Pro-uri, insa puteti sa va ganditi ca undeva prin octombrie Apple l-ar putea prezenta impreuna cu iPad 5 si eventual iPad Mini.