Pearl Guitar te ajuta sa experimentezi o chitara acustica direct pe iPad (Video)


  Pearl Guitar este o aplicatie lansata acum doua zile in App Store, iar rolul sau este de a ne permite sa utilizam pe tableta o chitara acustica virtuala fara prea mult efort. Daca va uitati la clipul video de mai sus veti realiza cat de bine au reusit sa reproduca dezvoltatorii aplicatiei o chitara acustica direct pe tableta iPad a celor de la Apple, utilizatorul avand, in mare parte, o experienta virtuala destul de interesanta. Aplicatia este special conceputa pentrua  reda sunetele intr-un format cat se poate de real si are grafica retina care face acea chitara sa para aproape reala, insa nu veti avea parte de experienta pe care o are un chitarist.

The premiere 6-string acoustic steel guitar simulator, Pearl Guitar delivers absolutely stunning sound – the most realistic, lush, organic and warm tone you will hear in the mobile digital domain. In addition, Pear Guitar features Retina graphics, smooth animations and stylish parallax effects animating the strings! Pearl Guitar is a carefully tuned virtual representation of the legendary vintage 1979 Martin & Co dreadnaught, one of the best acoustic guitars in the world. An optimized 76-Mb sound database is further processed by CascadeEQ synthesis, producing pristine clear stereo audio with a nasty bite of accidental roars, movement hums, string noises and guitar body resonances.

The strumming feels natural; the smooth, dynamic sound varies as you adjust your playing speed. After just a little training, the performance is hardly distinguished from a real guitar. There is also a metronome and a conga drum machine which provide rhythm assistance. Pearl Guitar offers a novel way to play impressive solo passages – SoloBoard, a button matrix that represents the notes within the detected scale. You can bend the strings and slide between frets, discovering new melodies and progressions.

  Aplicatia Pearl Guitar este disponibila in App Store intr-o versiune speciala pentru tabletele iPad.

Pretul initial:
Pearl Guitar



Developer: Ilya Plavunov
 iPad Only
Categoria: Music

Descriere: The premiere 6-string acoustic steel guitar simulator, Pearl Guitar delivers absolutely stunning sound – the most realistic, lush, organic and warm tone you will hear in the mobile digital domain. In addition, Pear Guitar features Retina graphics, smooth …

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 106.7 Mb