Tim Cook: Nokia a “murit” deoarece nu a inovat, Apple nu produce smarpthone-uri demne de aruncat la gunoi

  Tim Cook, Craig Federigi si Jony Ive sunt trei dintre cele mai importante persoane din cadrul echipei de conducere a companiei Apple, iar intr-un interviu acordat celor de la Businessweek au vorbit despre iOS 7, Apple, iPhone 5S, iPhone 5C si multe, multe altele. Pentru inceput, Tim Cook a discutat despre iPhone 5C, smartphone-ul despre care toti credeau ca va fi ieftin, insa s-a dovedit a fi la fel de scump precum iPhone 5. Cook a afirmat ca Apple nu este o companie interesata de cota de piata si dezvoltarea unui smartphone ieftin nu a facut vreodata parte din planurile sale. Cook a afirmat ca pe piata smartphone-urilor exista un segment al terminalelor demne de aruncat la gunoi, iar Apple nu este interesata sa produca asa ceva, ci doar smartphone-uri grozave. Mergand mai departe, Cooka  afirmat ca nu este euforic in momentele in care cota de piata creste si nu ajunge in punctul de a isi taia venele daca ea ajunge la un nivel foarte scazut.

There’s always a large junk part of the market. We’re not in the junk business. There’s a segment of the market that really wants a product that does a lot for them, and I want to compete like crazy for those customers.I’m not going to lose sleep over that other market, because it’s just not who we are. Fortunately, both of these markets are so big, and there’s so many people that care and want a great experience from their phone or their tablet, that Apple can have a really good business. I don’t feel euphoric on the up, and I don’t slit my wrists when it goes dow.

  In ceea ce priveste procesul de dezvoltare al iPhone 5C si iOS 7, Cook afirma ca totul este rezultatul unei colaborari foarte bune dintre Craig Federighi si Jony Ive. Stand la un minut distanta unul de celalalt, ceoi di vicepresedinti ai companiei Apple au reusit sa produca un sistem de operare si un telefon perfect pentru el, iar extrem de multe persoane sunt incantate de realizarea lor. Vorbind despre implementarea noilor functii in iOS 7, cei doi sustin ca este usor sa implementezi ceva nou, dar este foarte greu sa implementezi ceva gresit. Ei sustin ca ideeade a implementa rapid multe functii noi, imbratisata de catre producatorii de terminale Android, este gresita deoarece utilizatorii nu beneficiaza de cea mai buna experienta de utilizare pentru propriile terminale si asta conteaza cel mai mult.

I don’t think we ever talked about our roles. We talked about how can we most effectively extend the collaboration that always existed. Successful collaboration, in your mind, could be that your opinion is the most valuable and becomes the prevailing sort of direction. That’s not collaborating. I think, very often, you can’t call out by attribute or name areas of value. But I do think that we sense when somebody has cared. And one thing that is incontrovertible is how much we’ve cared. …there are so many problems that had to be solved to enable one big idea. We didn’t start opportunistically with 10 bits of technology that we could try to find a use for to add to our features list. New? New is easy. Right is hard. 

  In final Tim Cook discuta despre Nokia, spunand ca finlandezii au incetat sa inoveze si in final asta i-a costat pozitia de lider pe piata terminalelor mobile. Cook sustine ca multa lume incearca sa adopte strategiile Apple, insa compania nu cauda validarea succesului sau din surse externe si acest lucru o mentine concentrata pe dezvoltarea de produse grozave. Cook afirma ca mult competitori copiaza produsele companiei Apple, iar cei care nu o fac si nu inoveaza, precum Nokia, ajung in situatia finlandezilor, o situatie pe care nimeni nu si-o doreste, mai ales ca pe piata este nevoie de competitie, ea fiind extrem de benefica pentru toata lumea, in special pentru utilizatori.

Everybody is trying to adopt Apple’s strategy. We’re not looking for external validation of our strategy, but I think it does suggest that there’s a lot of copying, kind of, on the strategy and that people have recognized that importance.. I think [Nokia] is a reminder to everyone in business that you have to keep innovating and that to not innovate is to die.

  Mai multe informatii interesante gasiti in interviul celor de la Businessweek.