Steve Wozniak, celebrul co-fondator al companiei Apple si antreprenor, a discutat intr-un interviu al Wired despre iPhone 5S si iPhone 5C. Fiind un fan al produselor high-end, Wozniak a declarat ca nu se simte atras de catre noile iPhone 5C ale companiei Apple, spunand ca dispozitivele nu l-au atras, insa perceptia sa se bazeaza doar pe pozele vazute pe internet. El spune ca in cazul produselor Apple impresia despre un anumit dispozitiv se schimba radical in momentul in care ajungi sa tii produsul in mana si considera ca parerea sa s-ar putea schimba in momentul in care va interactiona cu iPhone 5C.
I haven’t seen [the 5C] too much because it wasn’t very attractive to me. You know what, a lot of Apple products, you’ve got to hold it in your hand and you get a whole different view of it. I’ve only just seen pictures online. So I’m not a good judge, but nothing grabbed my attention like a lot of Apple products. I’m usually interested in the more high-end anyway, and I love the looks [of] the iPhone 4 and the 5; I just love the looks and the beauty of the product. So the 5S is more like that. All it means is, ‘Oh gosh, now I’ve got to get three new phones to get the three 5S colours’. So I’m not turned on by the 5C, but hey, maybe that’s where a huge market is and I’m just not the person.
Lasand la o parte iPhone 5C, Wozniak a afirmat ca isi va achizitiona toate cele 3 modele ale iPhone 5s lansate de catre compania Apple, el avand obiceiul de a sta la cozi in fata magazinelor pentru a face achizitii. Wozniak isi cumpara toate noile produse lansate pe piata, fie ca este vorba despre smartphone-uri Android, iOS, Windows Phone, etc, el fiind extrem de pasionat de tehnologie si produsele lansate recent pe piata.