LeAnn Rimes inregistreaza un videoclip folosind doar terminale iPhone (Video)


  LeAnn Rimes – Gasoline and Matches este single-ul important pe care celebra artista LeAnn Rimes a ales sa il promoveze prin lansarea noului sau album Spitfire, iar mai sus puteti vizualiza videoclipul special facut pentru el de catre casa de discuri care o promoveaza. Vorbim despre un videoclip stop motion inregistrat in totalitate folosind cele 3 iPhone-uri pe care producatorul le avea la indemana cand a aterizat in Dublin pentru a incepe filmarile, iar rezultatul este mai mult decat interesant. Nu mai putin de 8000 de poze au fost inregistrate folosind iPhone-urile producatorului, iar per total vorbim despre o metoda inedita de promovare a unei melodii, alegand cel mai popular terminal mobil de pe piata.

Using the iPhone camera for the stop motion video made it easy, affordable and portable for us—because of time factors. I had to get Ian to Dublin to film LeAnn while she was there. I had to get Ian to New York State to film Rob. It was so easy to lug around three iPhones instead of other heavy gear. iPhone to film, IPhone for playback of song and iPhone to document the fun. It was such a cool experience, hanging out with them and shooting their video on my iPhone. I wanted to do a scene with Rob blowing out a light for part of the song so I attached my iPhone to a stand in his back yard and filmed him do a bunch of scenes. Such a unique chance to do something different with truly wonderful artists.

  In general artistii prefera sa profite de popularitatea unor terminale mobile pentru a ajunge in atentia lumii cu propriile creatii, iar LeAnn Rimes nu este prima care profita de iPhone, insa rezultatul final este demnde  un artist de talia sa.