Tim Cook nu neaga posibila lansare a unui iPhone cu ecran mai mare de 4 inch

  Continuand seria informatiilor obtinute de la Tim Cook dintr-un interviu efectuat in cursul acestei saptamani, cei de la Wall Street Journal ne prezinta opinia lui Tim Cook in legatura cu lansarea unui iPhone cu ecran mai mare de 4 inch. Exact precum in trecut, Tim Cook a afirmat ca in momentul in care tehnologia va permite companiei sa implementeze un ecran mai mare in iPhone-uri intr-un mod pe care Apple il considera util, compania o va face, multiple aspecte fiind luate in considerare. Tim Cook vorbeste despre rezolutie, claritatea imaginilor contrastul, durata de functionare si multi alti factori care trebuie luati in calcul, el practinc lasand deschisa posibilitatea lansarii unui asemenea dispozitiv.

What we’ve said is that until the technology is ready, we don’t want to cross that line. That doesn’t say we’ll never do it. We want to give our customers what’s right in all respects – not just the size but in the resolution, in the clarity, in the contrast, in the reliability. There are many different parameters to measure a display and we care about all those, because we know that’s the window to the software.

  Separat de aceasta, Tim Cook a reafirmat faptul ca Apple pregateste lansarea unui numar de produse noi in multiple categorii, fara a oferi detalii despre ce anume este vorba. Desigur ca vorbim despre mai multe produse care nu ar putea fi complet noi, ci doar versiuni imbunatatite ale celor existente pe piata, insa imbuntatirile nu s-ar limita la clasicele modificari de design sau hardware, ci si la modificarea dimensiunilor intr-o masura mult mai importanta decat in trecut.

We don’t believe we can do things at the level of quality and link things as we want to between hardware, software and services so seamlessly if we do a lot of stuff. There will be new categories and we’re working on some great stuff. We’re not ready to talk about it. We’re really working on some really great stuff. I think no one reasonable would say they’re not a new category.

  Trecand la Mac, Tim Cook a afirmat ca Apple nu renunta la PC-uri asa cum fac restul producatorilor si ca anul 2014 ne va aduce o serie intreaga de noutati interesante din acest punct de vedere. Pana acum s-a zvonit ca Apple ar putea lansa un MacBook Air Retina cu ecran de 12 inch, insa in final ar putea fi vorba si despre un Mac Mini mai mic sau cine stie ce alte imbunatatiri pentru MacBook Pro sau chiar iMac, cei de la Apple fiind concentrati pe dezvoltarea de produse grozave care vor mentine Mac-ul “in viata’.

And we haven’t given up on the Mac. A lot of people are throwing in the towel right now on the PC. We’re still spending an enormous amount on really great talent and people on the Macs of the future. And we have some really cool things coming out there. Because we believe as people walk away from the PC, it becomes clear that the Mac is what you want if you want a PC.

  In final Tim Cook a vorbit si despre decizia celor de la Google de a vinde Motorola catre Lenovo, afirmand ca nu a fost catusi de putin surprins de miscare, afirmand ca Apple este o companie unica, care reuseste sa-si dezvolte hardware-ul in baza software-ului, Google nefiind capabila sa faca acelasi lucru.

I wasn’t surprised. It seems like a logical transaction. Google gets rid of something that’s losing money, something that they’re not committed to. I think it’s really hard to do hardware, software and services and to link all those things together. That’s what makes Apple so special. It’s really hard, so I’m not surprised that they are not going to do that.