Autumn Dynasty Warlords – un nou joc de strategie interesant pentru platforma iOS (Video)


  Autumn Dynasty Warlords este un nou joc lansat in cursul acestei zile in App Store-ul companiei Apple si vorbim despre un titlu de strategie inedit disponibil pentru terminalele noastre. In acest joc voi veti avea controlul asupra unui temut imparat care evolueaza dintr-un simplu razboinic in cel mai temut imparat al intregii lumi virtuale concepute de catre dezvoltatori. Voi veti avea rolul de a il ajuta sa evolueze si sa infrangeti cea mai mare invazie barbara din “istoria” lumii sale, asa ca veti avea destul gameplay interesant.

Revered, feared and enigmatic. The First Autumn Emperor’s legacy is undisputed. He began as a minor warlord, yet he would one day unify the country, discover firedust, and repel the greatest barbarian invasion in history. His personage is a mystery, but his exploits are legendary. Manage your empire turn by turn: manage cities, construct buildings, raise armies and engage in diplomacy and espionage. Unify the land by conquering all provinces! Fight your battles in real time: use simple gestures to direct your armies and turn the tide of battle with special abilities. Outsmart and outmaneuver your foes through superior tactics!

  Autumn Dynasty Warlords este un turn-based strategy game in care veti avea posibilitatea de a participa in campanii in care fiecare decizie luata va influenta evolutia voastra in joc, asa ca practic voi va decideti soarta. Autumn Dynasty Warlords este disponibil in format universal in App Store.

Pretul initial:
Autumn Dynasty Warlords



Categoria: Games

Descriere: Revered, feared and enigmatic. The First Autumn Emperors legacy is undisputed. He began as a minor warlord, yet he would one day unify the country, discover firedust, and repel the greatest barbarian invasion in history. His personage is a mystery, but hi…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 121.2 Mb