Suita Microsoft Office pentru iPad a fost lansata acum o saptamana de zile in App Store-ul companiei Apple, iar in cursul noptii trecute cei de la Microsoft au anuntat ca un numar impresionant de descarcari a fost inregistrat ina ceasta perioada. Mai exact, vorbim despre 12 milioane de descarcari facute pentru aplicatiile Word, Excel, PowerPoint si OneNote, cifra fiind atinsa la nivel global si fiind, probabil, un record din acest punct de vedere. Cifra este impresionanta avand in vedere ca aplicatiile necesita cumpararea unui abonament Office 365 care costa 99$ anual, asa ca vorbim probabil de o suma destul de mare facuta de catre Microsoft in urma acestor descarcari.
Desigur ca nu vorbim despre 12 milioane de abonamente cumparate de catre utilizatori, insa probabil pana la 1 milion de abonamente au fost cumparate in aceasta perioada si suma acopera mai mult ca sigur sumele cheltuite pentru dezvoltarea aplicatiei. Microsoft Office pentru iPad este cea mai populara suita de tip office disponibila in App Store, in ciuda faptului ca nu poate fi utilizata fara plata.
Microsoft Word for iPad
Descriere: ** Read Word documents for free. To create and edit, an Office 365 subscription is needed. **
The real Microsoft Word app designed for iPad.
Now your Word documents look great on the iPad. When you edit or create documents, you can be confident they wil…
Microsoft Excel for iPad
Descriere: ** View Excel spreadsheets for free. To create and edit, an Office 365 subscription is needed. **
The real Microsoft Excel app designed for iPad.
Now your Excel spreadsheets look great on the iPad. When you edit or create spreadsheets, you can be confid…
Microsoft PowerPoint for iPad
Descriere: ** View and show PowerPoint presentations for free. To create and edit, an Office 365 subscription is needed. **
The real Microsoft PowerPoint app designed for iPad.
Now your PowerPoint presentations look great on the iPad. When you edit or create docum…
Microsoft OneNote for iPad
Descriere: Its time to harness the immense potential of your thoughts and discoveries by taking a note in OneNote, your very own digital notebook. With OneNote, you can capture that flash of genius, that moment of inspiration, that list of errands, or that plain old…