Urban Trial Freestyle – un nou joc inedit pentru iPhone si iPad

  Daca sunteti fani ai jocurilor in care puteti controla diversi motocicilisti care efectueaza trucuri pe curse special concepute in acest sens, ei bine atunci veti fi probabil un fan al Urban Trial Freestyle. Dupa cum puteti vedea si din imaginile acestui articol, vorbim despre un sunt bike game in care voi veti prealua controlul asupra unei diversitati de ciclisti pe parcursul intregului gameplay.

The city is your playground! Take to the streets on your freestyle trials bike and use the urban landscape to pull off spectacular tricks. Customize your bike and rider to boost your performance across three unique disciplines: Time Attack, Stunt Mode and Challenges. Choose between speed and style, developing your own unique riding style and challenge friends or the best riders in Leaderboards and Ghost Mode. The Track Editor also allows you to create your own levels with unlimited possibilities and share them with friends!

  Urban Trial Freestyle ne pune la dispozitie trei moduri de joc si peste 40 de curse in 5 locatii diferite, totul fiind creat pentru a reproduce cat se poate de fidel locatii din lumea reala. Mai mult decat atat, noi putem modifica orice cursa dorim si o putem partaja online cu alti membri, peste 150 de obiecte fiind puse la dispozitie de catre dezvoltatori in acest scop.

  Urban Trial Freestyle este disponibil in format universal in App Store.

Pretul initial:
Urban Trial Freestyle



Categoria: Games

Descriere: The city is your playground! Take to the streets on your freestyle trials bike and use the urban landscape to pull off spectacular tricks. Customize your bike and rider to boost your performance across three unique disciplines: Time Attack, Stunt Mode and…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 113.0 Mb