iOS 8 activeaza automat sistemul Activation Lock pentru iDevice-uri

  Va spuneam acum cateva saptamani ca autoritatile americane se gandesc sa le impuna producatorilor de smartphone-uri sa activeze automat sistemele antifurt din software care permit blocarea si localizarea dispozitivelor. Fara a mai astepta impunerea acestui lucru de catre autoritati, compania Apple a decis a activeze automat Activation Lock in iOS 8, astfel ca toate iDevice-urile activate in noua versiune a sistemului de operare vor trebui logate cu Apple ID la iCloud si vor avea serviciile de localizare pornite.

After months of work with the Secure Our Smartphones Initiative, Apple has taken a significant step forward in our shared effort to make dangerous and often deadly smartphone thefts a thing of the past,” said Attorney General Schneiderman.  “By being the first manufacturer to make an effective theft deterrent a default setting on new products and making it available to customers using older products Apple is helping ensure the safety and security of their customers.  For smartphone theft deterrents to fully work, they need to be widely adopted thereby removing the economic incentive for stealing them in the first place, which is why I strongly encourage consumers to install all available theft deterrent options and why every manufacturer should move as quickly as possible make similar features a default setting for their products. ”

  Decizia luata de catre compania Apple a fost laudata deja de catre procurorul general al Californiei, el fiind unul dintre cei care a cerut implementarea unei asemenea masuri pentru terminalele mobile. Chiar daca in iOS 8 functia este activata automat in momentul activarii unui iDevice, in versiunile vechi ale iOS-ului va fi necesara activarea sa manuala din meniul Settings>iCloud>Find My iPhone. Implementarea acestei masuri are rolul de a reduce semnificativ furturile de terminale mobile, iar anul acesta a demonstrat ca Find My iPhone a fost de mare ajutor in reducerea criminalitatii.