Apple anunta cea mai buna aplicatie a saptamanii in App Store Romania

Redshift Discover Astronomy

In cursul zilei de joi noapte compania Apple si-a actualizat toate promotiile pentru aplicatiile promovate sau oferite gratuit in App Store, astfel ca avem un nou titlu prezentat ca fiind cea mai buna aplicatie a saptamanii pentru iPhone si iPad. Redshift Discover Astronomy este aplicatia aleasa de catre compania Apple pentru promovare in App Store si vorbim despre un titlu care ne ofera posibilitatea de a descoperi spatiul cosmic din galaxia noastra intr-un format extrem de usor de inteles.

Discover the universe with the Redshift Discover Astronomy app, and explore the boundless depths of space! The app not only explains what you can see in the night sky above your location on Earth; it even takes you on some spectacular 3D flights across the Solar System and our home galaxy.

  Redshift Discover Astronomy are disponibila pentru noi o interfata 3D intuitiva cu o multitudine de obiecte cosmice reprezentate intr-un mod cat se poate de real, noi putand interactiona rapid cu ele. Dezvoltatorii Redshift Discover Astronomy au implementat in aplicatie imagini de inalta rezolutie prin care putem experimenta in detaliu tot ceea ce ne inconjoar planeta, peste 100.000 de stele, 200 de obiecte spatiale ale spatiului cosmic indepartat, 40 de asteroizi, 15 comete si 10 luni fiind reprezentate.

Major features of Redshift Discover Astronomy:

  • Discover celestial objects: The app tells you which stars, constellations and planets are currently visible in the night sky above your location; furthermore, it shows you the way to any celestial body you want to study.
  • 3D flights: Travel to any location within the Solar System; orbit the planets and their moons and land on their surfaces.
  • Today’s Sky: Redshift tells you for your current location how the Sun, the Moon, and four major planets (Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn) move across today’s night sky.
  • Introduction to astronomy: Ten interactive Guided Tours explain the major facts of astronomy and some fascinating events in the sky.
  • Comprehensive database: Browse more than 100,000 stars, 200 spectacular deep sky objects, 40 asteroids, 15 comets, 10 moons as well as all planets and dwarf planets. 
  • Images and 3D graphics: Watch detailed representations of the planets and their major moons, as well as breathtaking images of galaxies, spiral nebulae, star clusters and many other deep sky objects.

  Redshift Discover Astronomy are disponibile inclusiv prezentari pentru planetele Venus, Marte, Jupiter sau Saturn, astfel ca veti invata mai multe despre planetele din sistemul nostru solar direct de pe iPhone, iPad sau iPod Touch. Redshift Discover Astronomy este disponibila pentru DESCARCARE in format universal in App Store.

Pretul initial:
Redshift Discover Astronomy



Developer: United Soft Media…
Categoria: Reference

Descriere: Discover the universe with the Redshift Discover Astronomy app, and explore the boundless depths of space! The app not only explains what you can see in the night sky above your location on Earth; it even …

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 149.0 Mb