The Horus Heresy: Drop Assault este un joc lansat saptaana trecuta in App Store-ul companiei Apple, el fiind o combinatie in jocurile Clash of Clans si Warhamer 40.000. In clipul video de mai sus puteti vedea gameplay-ul jocului, el oferindu-ne o actiune antrenanta pentru iPhone, iPad si iPod Touch-uri.
Dupa cum probabil va imaginati, jocul ne va oferi posibilitatea de a construi baze militare, de a angaja soldati si de a crea sisteme de aparare in caz de atac. The Horus Heresy: Drop Assault are disponibil inclusiv un modul multiplayer car ene va permite sa concuram online impotriva oricaror jucatori prezenti in ecosistemul Horus, deci avem parte de o functionalitate extrem de interesanta.
- Choose your side: will you side with the Emperor as a Loyalist, or Horus as a Traitor?
- Command any of four popular Horus Heresy Legions: Emperor’s Children, Death Guard, World Eaters, or Sons of Horus, each with a unique bonus
- Challenge rivals around the world in Live Skirmish for awesome rewards
- Customize your base and defense amongst the visually stunning ruins of The Horus Heresy setting in the Warhammer 40,000 universe
- Fast-paced tactical combat and dynamic bonus missions ensure each epic battle is unique
- Unlock immensely powerful troops from The Horus Heresy Era and obliterate your foes with a variety of earth-shattering attacks
Actiunea principala ne va oferi posibilitatea de a alege intre a fi un sustinator al imparatului, un loialist, un horus sau un tradator, la comanda noastra fiind disponibile patru dintre cele mai populare legiuni din lumea Horus. Separat de ceea ce ne ofera jocul vom avea posibilitatea de a debloca noi functii si armate pe care le putem utiliza, totul intr-un gameplay antrenant.
The Horus Heresy: Drop Assault este disponibil pentru DESCARCARE GRATUITA in format universal in App Store.
The Horus Heresy: Drop Assault
Descriere: Choose your side in the intense civil war that erupted amongst the Emperor’s Legions of Space Marines in the 31st Millennium. As a Captain of your troops, customize your army and engage in fierce tactical …