Tweetdeck pentru iPhone update

23885 Incepand de ieri puteti gasi in AppStore TweetDeck 1.1.2 un update pentru populara aplicatie care aduce numeroase lucruri noi, printre care cel mai importand fiind posibilitatea de a inregistra si uploada filme pe Youtube, insa ceasta optiune este disponibila numai pentru iPhone 3GS. Presupun ca multi dintre voi stiu de TweetDeck si la ce se foloseste asa ca nu voi zabovi asupra explicarii importantei sale, dar voi enumera alte cateva update-uri la fel de importante precum cel enuntat mai sus : aplicatia va da posibilitatea sa creeati grupuri pe Twitter in care sa va includeti prietenii/persoanele apropiate, puteti sa va logati pe mai multe conturi deodata si sa administrati pozele aferente acestora sau sa postati tweet-uri, in plus TweetDeck va da posibilitatea sa va sincronizati setarile aplicatiei din telefon cu cea pentru desktop, neat huh?

Iata in primul rand listea de features existente in TweetDeck :

-Tweet directly from your iPhone or iPod Touch.
-Manage multiple Twitter accounts.
-Stay up to date – view all new tweets in real-time.
-View notifications for new tweets received.
-Use columns to create your personal dashboard.
-Easy set-up – Sync with your existing TweetDeck columns.
-Create Groups to easily follow all your friends.
-Follow topics in real-time with saved searches.
-Reply to tweets and send direct messages.
-Stay up to date with Twitter Trends.
-Easily re-tweet messages.
-Share photos with Twitpic and YFrog.
-Shorten and share links with your favourite URL shortener.
-Follow and un-follow people.
-Shake your iPhone to refresh columns.
-Automatically sync between your desktop and iPhone.
-Manage your favorite tweets.

Si acum noutatile aduse de versiunea 1.1.2 :

-Video record & upload for 3GS
-Video background uploader
-Facebook account support
-Post status updates to Facebook
-Create Facebook groups (synchronised)
-Cross post text & media to twitter & facebook
-Nearby tweets column
-Sent DM’s column
-HashTag to Search Column account
-Reply to All & RE – in ref to
-Open in safari
-Landscape compose
-Light Theme
-@username address picker
-List of recent hashtags
-Compose improvements (clear, save, dm char)
-2.x & other crash fixes

Aplicatia poate fi downloadata gratuit din US AppStore de aici si din RO AppStore de aici.

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