MacBook 12 inch a inceput sa ajunga la o multitudine de clienti ai companiei Apple incepand de zilele trecute, insa din pacate putini dintre ei se dovedesc a fi multumiti de alegerea facuta. Se pare ca majoritatea dintre ei lauda design-ul conceput de catre Jony Ive si echipa sa, insa din pacate schimbarile facute de catre Apple strica experienta de utilizare.
Dupa cum probabil va imaginati deja, portul USB-C, singurul existent in MacBook 12 inch, este insuficient pentru a conecta toate tipurile de cabluri USB, VGA, HDMI, etc, dar acest lucru a fost mentionat si in primele review-uri. Daca unii s-au gandit ca vor trece peste aceasta problema, se pare ca performantele reduse ale produsului au fost cea de-a doua mare problema, astfel ca multi au ajuns in final returneze MacBook 12 inch cumparate.
Took mine back. It was really a wow factor. So light, so beautiful. But in the end, it just wasn’t for me. After spending a day trying to hunt down USB-C adapters in Apple stores (weren’t available at Best Buy, where I bought mine), I got to thinking about what I loved and what I didn’t. Could I type on my lap with it? Sure and watch the screen jiggle on my soft legs. Turns out a 13″ or even 15″ model with weight is more stable for me personally. […] Ports is an issue for a user like me. I knew that going in, but I was going to be patient with it. It finally got to me.
Conform utilizatorilor, MacBook 12 inch este un inlocuitor grozav pentru iPad si oricine ar face aceasta tranzitie cu siguranta nu va regreta, limitarile fiind similare. Daca vorbim totusi despre trecerea de la un MacBook Pro la MacBook 12 inch, atunci cu siguranta vor exista destule regrete, unii sustinand ca noul produs este precum o tableta iPad care ruleaza OS X si are un trackpad si o tastatura.
Era normal ca nu toti utilizatorii sa iubeasca MacBook 12 inch si era normal sa vedem marturii de acest gen, insa in final experienta de utilizare conteaza cel mai mult. Ca sa fiu sincer, ar fi bine sa va ghidati in baza acestor marturii daca doriti sa cumparati noul produs, deoarece s-ar putea sa cheltuiti multe mii de lei pe ceva ce in final nu merita.
But that doesn’t mean it isn’t for you. I wouldn’t mind one instead of the iPads we have, but I’ll wait until the price comes down. It just didn’t feel like a step into the future for me. It felt like like some steps back from my 13″ Retina MacBook Pro or 15″ MacBook Pro. Gone were the Apple touches I felt were worth the premium. I know I’ll catch flack for this, but it felt like an iPad running OS X with a great trackpad and great keyboard for light typing. But then I started trying to touch the screen.”
“With some regret I returned my Retina MacBook over the weekend. The two reasons I ultimately returned it were that the keyboard didn’t agree with me and, after some practical thinking, I realized that there were going to be issues managing using two laptops concurrently.
The keyboard — I expected to like it or at least to be neutral and get used to it. In the end, to my surprise, it turned out to be a lot harder to type accurately on the new keyboard than my Retina MacBook Pro or my Apple Bluetooth keyboard. This is totally YMMV (your mileage may vary) territory.
The other thing that pushed me over the line when I was thinking about returning it was managing two laptops (in addition to my Mac Mini). Not so much keeping files current, but license management issues. Most of the programs I use a lot are limited to two installations, and keeping track of what is activated on which laptop presented possibilities like taking one of them on a trip having forgotten to deactivate/sign out on the other one, which could be a real problem.”
“It is a staggeringly great little machine.
Virtually no heat coming from it and silent operation.
Runs a long time on a single charge.
It looks fantastic and is the most fun notebook I have ever used.
It handles everything I have thrown at it like any MacBook I have owned.
The trackpad has some really neat new tricks and feels great.
It sits very comfortable on my laptop lap cushion.
The keyboard looks amazing at night and feels great, I type faster.
I am more productive as I love using this notebook.
The performance is great for 98% of everything most users will do.
It’s easy to take anywhere you need to go, light as a feather, packs down nice.
The screen is super sharp and makes my late 2013 13″ rMBP screen look fuzzy.
12″ is just right, not to big and not to small.
Makes the 13” Retina MBP look very outdated.
Single port is just fine, if you need many ports to use your computer today, you are doing it all wrong. I do all my backups and any necessary restorations wirelessly. I use the cloud, not just Apple, but multiple clouds.