Apple ofera actiuni angajatilor pentru a-i retine in companie

Apple actiuni angajatiIn cursul acestei zile compania Apple a anuntat lansarea unui nou program intern de acordare de actiuni restrictionate catre toate tipurile de angajati, pana in prezent programul de acordate de actiuni restrictionate fiind gandit pentru a se aplica doar pentru persoanele din conducerea companiei si inginerii care dezvolta produse.

Incepand de astazi compania Apple va acorda actiuni restrictionate ca si bonus atat pentru angajatii din magazine, cat si pentru cei ai AppleCare, sau pentru cei din alte sedii ale sale, aceste actiuni intrand efectiv in posesia ale angajatilor doar daca angajatii petrec o anumita perioada de timp in cadrul companiei.

Unii angajati din magazinele Apple au inceput sa primeasca de ieri actiuni restrictionate in cadrul Apple, valoarea acestora variind intre 1000 si 2000 de dolari pentru ei, insa valoarea lor va creste pe masura ce angajatii vor petrece mai mult timp in cadrul Apple si vor avansa in posturi.

Tim Cook a trimis un memoriu intern angajatilor prin care prezinta noul program de acordare a actiunilor restrictionate, programele de acest gen existand in putine corporatii de pe glob si deocamdata nu se stie cum il va administra cmopania Apple pe al sau.

Ideea din spatele acestui program de acordare de actiuni restrictionate este de a tine angajatii in cadrul Apple si de a ii motiva sa nu paraseasca compania, actiunile acordate lor acum putand fi vandute doar peste minim 5 – 6 ani, deci ei vor trebui sa ramana in cadrul Apple pentru perioade lungi de timp.


I’m writing you today to announce a new stock ownership program for employees.

For many years, we have offered people across the company the opportunity to become shareholders in Apple by participating in the Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP), which makes Apple stock available at a discount that’s exclusive to our employees. Many of you have taken advantage of this program, and I am told we have one of the highest participation rates of any company offering employee stock purchase plans.

In addition to the ESPP, employees in certain roles have been eligible to receive restricted stock units. Each year, the management team recommends eligible employees — typically from our product areas — to receive RSUs as an incentive to continue their important contributions to Apple. Each grant is approved by the Board of Directors.

This year, I’m excited to let you know that the Executive Team has created a new program for stock ownership through RSU grants. It’s designed to reach employees who were not previously eligible, including many in our amazing retail and AppleCare teams.

This new program extends eligibility to everyone not covered by other RSU programs, effectively making everyone who works at Apple eligible for an RSU grant. This is an unusual step, and very special — just like our team.

Please check HRWeb for details on this new program.

At Apple, our most important resource — our soul — is our people. Along with our many progressive benefit plans, this is another way for us to say thanks. On behalf of the Executive Team, I’d like to thank you for your many contributions to Apple. Working with all of you is the privilege of a lifetime.

