Iata-l pe omul care l-a invatat pe Steve Jobs sa gandeasca diferit

Stewart Brand este un nume prea putin cunoscut majoritatii oamenilor de pe glob, insa el a fost unul dintre cei care a contribuit la formarea mentalitatii in baza careia Steve Jobs a avut curajul de a schimba lumea prin fondarea companiei Apple.

Stewart Brand avea o publicatie in San Francisco in perioada in care care Steve Jobs era mai mult preocupat de consumarea drogului LSD si plimbarile prin natura, textele publicate de catre acesta contribuind serios la schimbarea modului in care Steve Jobs privea lumea.

In celebrul discurs sustinut in fata studentilor Stanford in anul 2005, Steve Jobs compara publicatia lui Stewart Brand cu o versiune scrisa a companiei Google, tinand sa puna accent le mentalitatea Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish. promovata in ea.

Practic Steve Jobs a fost serios influentat de ceea ce a scris Stewart Brand de-a lungul tineretii sale si acest lucru a determinat modul in care unele produse Apple au ajuns pe piata, dar in final si modul in care lumea a evoluat multumita schimbarilor aduse de catre Steve Jobs.

Stuff that happens to somebody in their twenties is going to be formative, no matter what. For lots of people it’s travel. They work in the Peace Corps and that’s who they are. Their first amazing job establishes their sense of what’s possible. And psychedelic drugs were new, so they were unique to us. They were indeed potent, and led to revelations and occasions. Maybe more occasions than revelations. In any case, they were definitely formative in the case of Steve Jobs. The couple of times that he and I talked, we would reminisce about acid trips.

Mai multe detalii privind opinia lui Stewart Brand despre Steve Jobs gasiti intr-un interviu acordat de catre omul ce la-a influentat pe fostul CEO al companiei Apple.