1 milion de descarcari din Mac AppStore in prima zi

Mac AppStore-ul are abia o zi de cand a fost deschis si Apple a anuntat astazi ca a inregistrat peste 1 milion de descarcari. Cifra este foarte foarte mare avand in vedere ca e abia prima zi de cand a fost deschis Mac AppStore-ul si sunt abia 1000 de aplicatii disponibile in el iar preturile nu sunt chiar atat de mici. Printre cele mai populare aplicatii din noul Mac AppStore se numara: Angry Birds, Twitter, Flight Control dar si aplicatiile Aperture care a fost disponibila la promotie astazi. Acesta este doar inceputul pentru Mac AppStore deoarece in curand numarul de aplicatii va creste simtitor si probabil la conferinta pentru prezentarea iPad 2 Apple va anunta ca are deja 5 – 10.000 aplicatii acceptate si o rata zilnica de 5 milioane de descarcari.

Mac App Store Downloads Top One Million in First Day

CUPERTINO, California-January 7, 2011-Apple® today announced that over one million apps have been downloaded from the Mac® App Store℠ in the first day. With more than 1,000 free and paid apps, the Mac App Store brings the revolutionary App Store experience to the Mac, so you can find great new apps, buy them using your iTunes® account, download and install them in just one step.

“We’re amazed at the incredible response the Mac App Store is getting,” said Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO. “Developers have done a great job bringing apps to the store and users are loving how easy and fun the Mac App Store is.”

The Mac App Store offers apps in Education, Games, Graphics & Design, Lifestyle, Productivity, Utilities and other categories. Users can browse new and noteworthy apps, find out what’s hot, see staff favorites, search categories and look up top charts for paid and free apps, as well as user ratings and reviews. The Mac App Store is available for Snow Leopard® users through Software Update as part of Mac OS® X v10.6.6.

Mac developers set the price for their apps, keep 70 percent of the sales revenue, are not charged for free apps and do not have to pay hosting, marketing or credit card fees. To find out more about developing for the Mac App Store visit developer.apple.com/programs/mac.

Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers in the world, along with OS X, iLife, iWork, and professional software. Apple leads the digital music revolution with its iPods and iTunes online store. Apple is reinventing the mobile phone with its revolutionary iPhone and App Store, and has recently introduced its magical iPad which is defining the future of mobile media and computing devices.