Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon – Da Orks pentru iPad a fost lansat

Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon – Da Orks a fost lansat in App Store in cursul noptii trecute, noul joc din seria Warhammer 40,000 aducand o experienta noua de gameplay pentru fanii seriei, iar in clipul video de mai jos aveti un trailer realizat de catre dezvoltatorii sai inaintea lansarii oficiale.

Actiunea jocului Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon – Da Orks se desfasoara in anul 941.M41, cand un Space Hulk masiv apare in sistmeul solar Armageddon, iar desi el pare a nu fi locuit de catre vreo creatura, in interior se ascunde o armata de orci care se pregateste sa ia cu asalt lumea imperiala.

In Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon – Da Orks noi va trebui sa prevenim aceasta invazie a orcilor cu toate armele pe care le avem la dispozitie, deci va trebui sa ne folosim intuitia pentru a ghida in cel mai bun mod armatele noastre impotriva orcilor care incearca sa ne cucereasca lumea virtuala.

The year is 941.M41, and a massive Space Hulk appears in the Armageddon star system. It is believed uninhabited, and the citizens of Armageddon wonder what riches they will discover when salvage companies survey it. Little do they know that a huge Ork invasion force is hidden within, ready to bring death and destruction upon the unsuspecting Imperial world… The fate of Armageddon hangs in the balance, and your actions will determine the outcome.

Conform dezvoltatorilor, Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon – Da Orks are un modul de campanie impartit in 3 acte cu 18 scenarii, ele prezentand al doilea razboi al Armageddon din perspectiva Orksilor, o campanie bonus prezentand ascensiunea la putere a lui Ghazghkull Thraka.

Mai mult decat atat, jocul are peste 400 de unitati impartite in 7 clase diferite, peste 200 de arme cu statistici detaliate pentru fiecare in parte, 10 harti multiplayer special create de catre dezvoltatori si multe, multe alte lucruri extrem de interesante de care ne putem bucura.

  • Large campaign divided into 3 acts and 18 separate scenarios, portraying the Second War for Armageddon from the Orks perspective. Any scenario can also be played individually.
  • A bonus tutorial campaign showing Ghazghkull Thraka’s rise to power.
  • Fight alongside Ghazghkull Thraka, Mad Dok Grotsnik and other voiced legends of the war.
  • Carry over battle-hardened veterans from scenario to scenario, using their experience and upgrading their equipment and weaponry.
  • Detailed combat model with 20 different units stats, custom terrain, cover and morale effects.
  • Fight through hostile ash wastes, treacherous volcanic canyons, acid polluted rivers, dense jungles, the outside and inside of massive Hive cities.
  • 400+ unit types divided into 7 classes, representing the Orks, Armageddon Steel Legion, Blood Angels, Ultramarines and Salamanders and even gigantic Gargants and Titans!
  • 200+ weapons, each with their unique stats and graphical effects, with up to 3 different weapon systems per unit
  • 10 hand crafted Multiplayer maps, and infinite replay in multiplayer skirmish mode.
  • Powerful and easy-to-use game editor

Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon – Da Orks este disponibil pentru descarcare din AppStore intr-un format compatibil cu tabletele iPad urmand acest link.