Vorbim despre ele de cateva zile si iata ca Apple le-a lansat in sfarsit. Pagina oficiala dedicata MacBook-urilor de pe site-ul Apple a fost actualizata si noile versiune de 13, 15 si 17 inch ale MacBook Pro sunt din acest moment disponibile pentru achizitie. Noile Mac-uri au procesoare i5 si i7 ce ruleaza pe platforma Sandy Bridge dar si un nou port Thunderbolt despre care am discutat deja ieri. Apple promoveaza posibilitatea de a face apeluri video HD folosind aplicatia FaceTime HD care tocmai a fost lansata in Mac AppStore. Preturile raman neschimbate, adica noile Mac-uri vor costa :
- 13-inch MacBook Pro : 1199$, 1499$;
- 15-inch MacBook Pro : 1799$, 2199$;
- 17-inch MacBook Pro : 2499$;
Iata si caracteristicile hardware ale noilor MacBook Pro-uri :
MacBook Pro 13 inch
- Dimensions: 32.5 x 22.7 x 2.41 cm to 2.04 kg
- CPU: Intel dual-core i5/i7 0 2.3 or 2.7 GHz 3 MB cache
- RAM: 4 GB DDR3 1333 MHz
- Hard Drive: 320 GB 5400 rpm
- Screen: glossy 1280 x 800 pixels
- Graphics card: Intel HD 3000 GPU with 384 MB of shared RAM
- WebCam: HD FaceTime
- SuperDrive 8x
- Doors: Thunderbolt, SDXC Card slot, 2 USB 2.0 and Firewire 800
MacBook Pro 15 inch
- Dimensions: 36.4 x 24.9 x 2.41 to 2.54 kg
- CPU: Intel quad-core i7 2.0 or 2.2 Ghz 6MB cache
- RAM: 4 GB DDR3 1333 MHz
- Hard Drive: 500 GB 5400 rpm
- Display: 1440 × 900
- Cheda S Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 6490M with 256MB of GDDR5 memory configuration at 2.0 GHz, AMD Radeon HD 6750M graphics processor with 1GB of GDDR5 memory configuration to 2.2 + GHz Intel HD 3000 graphics with 384MB of DDR3 SDRAM shared with the main memory
- Webcam: HD FaceTime
- SuperDrive 8x
- Doors: Thunderbolt, SDXC Card slot, 2 USB 2.0 and Firewire 800
MacBook Pro 17 inch
- Dimensions: 39.3 x 27.7 x 2.50 to 2.9 kg
- CPU: Intel quad-core i7 2.2 GHz with 6MB of L3 cache shared
- RAM: 4 GB DDR3 1333 MHz
- Hard Drive: 500 GB 5400 rpm, with an option to install a solid-state drive 128GB, 256GB or 512GB
- Display: 1920 × 1200 glossy or antiglare
- Cheda S Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 6750M graphics processor with 1GB of GDDR5 Graphics + Intel HD 3000 with 384MB of DDR3 SDRAM shared with main memory
- Webcam: HD FaceTime
- SuperDrive 8x
- Doors: Thunderbolt, SDXC Card slot, 2 USB 2.0 and Firewire 800
Desigur ca preturile din Europa sunt exprimate in euro si aceste noi modele vor fi disponibile in Romania abia cand le vor aduce resellerii oficiali.