Avem AirPrint pentru printrare wireless, AirPlay pentru streaming audio/video catre un Apple TV sau un alt dispozitiv compatibil insa acum avem si AirMusic prn care putem face streaming audio catre o consola PS3, o consola XBOX 360 sau un PC. AirMusic este o aplicatie lansata acum 2 zile in AppStore si ne permite sa facem streaming audio catre dispozivitele anterior mentionate prin conectarea iDevice-ului nostru la aceeasi retea Wi-Fi pe care sunt conectate respectivele dispozitive. Imediat ce ne-am conectat la retea, aplicatiaa ne va da voie sa incepem stream-ul adio iar pentru PC-uri acesta va fi facut utilizand programul Windows Media Player.
Iata cateva informatii utile despre AirMusic :
- Connect your iPod, iPhone or iPad to the same WiFi network as your XBox, PS3 or PC.
Start AirMusic - If you have an XBox, turn it on, navigate to the Music Library and select your device in the list
- If you have a PS3, turn it on, navigate to the Music Note and select your device in the list
- If you have a PC running Windows Vista or Windows 7, start Windows Media Player, your iPhone will show up under ‘Other Libraries’
- AirMusic requires an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch with a minimum of 50MB of disk space to work effectively.
- On a PC, AirMusic only works with Windows Media Player running on Windows Vista or Windows 7.
- AirMusic is not compatible with old DRM songs purchased on iTunes. Newer iTunes DRM free purchases are compatible.
- On XBox, it may take a few seconds before audio starts playing.
Aplicatia poate fi achizitionata din AppStore pentru 0.79€.
Descriere: Access and stream your iPod Music Library over WiFi to an XBox, a PS3 or a PC running Windows Media Player. If you’ve heard all the hype about AirPlay and are missing out because your don’t have an AppleTV…