Ieri Apple a devenit cea mai inovatoare companie din lume, o publicatie americana oferindu-i acest titlu pentru produsele pe care le-a lansat pana acum pe pietele din intreaga lume. Tim Cook a dat un interviu respectivei publicatii, iar in el a afirmat ca Apple are in momentul de fata in dezvoltare produse pe care urmeaza sa le lanseze cel putin in urmatoarii 3 ani.
Tim Cook sustine ca Apple dezvolta produsele cu 3 – 4 ani inainte ca ele sa fie lansate pe piata, deci in momentul de fata cei din Cupertino dezvolta produse care vor ajunge pe piata pana, cel tarziu, in 2022. Aceasta este strategia normala pentru orice fel de companie, iar asta deoarece e imposibil sa dezvolti produse noi de pe un an pe altul si ele sa fie chiar buna.
“For us, on the product side, we have to come up with our silicon requirements three, four-plus years in advance. So we’ve got things that we’re working on now that are way out in the 2020s.”
Tim Cook a declarat deasemenea ca in procesul de dezvoltare al produselor, compania Apple nu ia in cont banii pe care i-ar putea castiga, ci se gandeste sa faca doar cele mai bune dispozitive. Steve Jobs a spus asta in repetate randuri, Tim Cook reiterand aceleasi lucru, dar in mod paradoxal, cei de la Apple reusesc intotdeauna sa faca produsele si foarte scumpe.
“Stock price is a result, not an achievement by itself. For me, it’s about products and people. Did we make the best product, and did we enrich people’s lives? If you’re doing both of those things–and obviously those things are incredibly connected because one leads to the other—then you have a good year.”
Tim Cook a raspins ideea ca Apple preia tehnologii de la alte companii cand lanseaza produse noi, iar aici a raspuns unei intrebari legate de HomePod, care e totusi un produs bazate pe alte idei. Tim Cook sustine totusi ca Apple dezvolta multe produse si renunta la a le mai lansa pe piata, sugerand faptul ca si o boxa inteligenta a fost dezvoltata vreodata, doar ca Apple nu a considerat ca e momentul sa o lanseze.
“I wouldn’t say “follow.” I wouldn’t use that word because that implies we waited for somebody to see what they were doing. That’s actually not what’s happening. What’s happening if you look under the sheets, which we probably don’t let people do, is that we start projects years before they come out. You could take every one of our products–iPod, iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch–they weren’t the first, but they were the first modern one, right?
In each case, if you look at when we started, I would guess that we started much before other people did, but we took our time to get it right. Because we don’t believe in using our customers as a laboratory. What we have that I think is unique is patience. We have patience to wait until something is great before we ship it.”