Browserul din Android OS incarca paginile web cu 52% mai repede decat Safari?

O companie din SUA a facut un dest destul de interesant in care a comparat timpii de incarcare a paginilor web pentru browserul Safari si browserul din Android OS. Firma a concluzionat ca browserul din Android OS incarca paginile web cu 52% mai repede decat Safar din iOS. Pentru teste au folosit mai multe site-uri web, un iPhone 4 cu iOS 4.3(probabil) si un Nexus One cu Android 2.3 Gingerbread. Nexus One a incarcat aproximativ 84% din site-uri mai repede decat iPhone 4 avand un timp mediu de incarcare de 2.144 secunde fata de 3.254 secunde cat a inregistrat Safari din iOS.

Some wonder whether the new Nitro JavaScript engine was used in our measurements. We’re still investigating this issue, as the report was completed before it was made known. So far we’ve seen indications in both directions, so we can’t say for sure it’s being applied. That said, the results from measuring Android show that JavaScript only accounts for a small percentage of the total load time, about 15% on average. This implies that even if Nitro is not in use, it likely can only slightly narrow the gap. We’ll follow up with any additional info.

Acum toata lumea pune la indoiala rezultatul deoarece compania Blaze care a facut testele nu a specificat daca a folosit sau nu noul iOS 4.3 care are implementat motorul Nitro Javascript in Safari. Compania sustine ca investigheaza problema insa chiar si cu acest motor Javascript, rezultatele nu ar fi influentare intr-o prea mare masura. Din punctul meu de vedere, browserul din Android incarca in mod clar paginile mai repede decat Safari iar asta este o mare problema pentru Apple care se chinuie de ceva timp sa imbunatateasca performantele singurului sau browser.

UPDATE: Cei de la cnet clarifica situatia, se pare ca firma respectiva a folosit UiWebView pentru testele pe iOS si nu Safari, de aici rezultatele acestea. Safari incarca oricum mai greu paginile decat Android asa ca nu va asteptati sa va “intreceti” prietenii la incacat

This test leveraged the embedded browser which is the only available option for iPhone applications. Blaze was under the assumption that Apple would apply the same updates to their embedded browser as they would their regular browser. If this is not the case and according to Apple’s response, it’s certainly possible the embedded browser might produce different results. If Apple decides to apply their optimizations across their embedded browser as well, then we would be more than willing to create a new report with the new performance results.