Rusia a reinceput atacurile asupra orasului Odesa in cursul noptii trecute, totul pe masura ce unele dintre trupele care au plecat de langa Kiev si au ajuns in Belarus incep sa fie mutate spre zona de est a Ucrainei pentru a sustine atacurile din zonele Donetsk si Luhansk, asa cum ni se tot spune de ceva vreme.
Rusia vrea sa ocupe teritoriile respective in totalitate, inclusiv Harkov si Mariupol, doua orase distruse de bombardamentele din ultima luna, insa armata rusa vrea deasemenea sa obtina control asupra orasului Odesa si a zonelor apropiate pentru a ajunge la gurile Dunarii, si va initia noi ofensive in acest sens.
⚡️UK intelligence: Russian redeployment from Ukraine's north to east will likely take at least a week.
Russian troops have fully withdrawn from the north, with at least some of those expected to be sent to the Donbas, according to the U.K. Ministry of Defense.
— The Kyiv Independent (@KyivIndependent) April 8, 2022
⚡️Russian forces strike at Odesa Oblast from the Black Sea.
According to the Odesa city council, citing the Armed Forces, the missile strike launched by Russian warships has damaged some infrastructure in the region. The details of the attack are yet to be published.
— The Kyiv Independent (@KyivIndependent) April 8, 2022