Aplicatia Sparrow va fi disponibila in viitorul apropiat si pe iPhone

     Probabil o buna parte dintre cei care detin un Mac au testat macar o singura data aplicatia Sparrow, una dintre cele mai bune alternative pentru aplicatia nativa Mail din Mac OS X. Sparrow pentru Mac OS X a fost lansata in Mac App Store inca de la deschiderea magazinului si in ultimele 6 luni a generat 500.000$ in venituri iar dezvoltatorii se gandesc sa porteze aplicatia chiar si pentru terminalele iPhone. Sparrow for iPhone se va numi aplicatia la care dezvoltatorii companiei lucreaza acum insa din pacate aceasta se afla in stadiile incipiente ale dezvoltarii si va fi disponibila abia peste o buna bucata de vreme.

BI: Isn’t one of Apple’s rules for the mobile App Store that you can’t “duplicate functionality”? 

DL: Yes, but on the Mac, they can’t really apply it, so you’ve got a way out. You can license your software without being considered a rogue developer, like you might on Cydia [the jailbreak app store for iPhone]. 

Developers have been selling Mac apps long before the MAS was introduced, whereas for most people, the only want to get content on an iPhone is through the App Store. It was a walled garden from the very beginning. 

We’ll see what happens with Sparrow for iPhone. We’re just starting on this, but it’s still far far away. But we’ll give it a try, Apple be with us. 

BI: So do you think they’ll approve it? 

DL: I think they will. They’re accepting third party browsers, so why not mail? This would be really inconsistent. Opera has a browser out there, and I think Mozilla has one coming too.

     Informatiile privind lansarea Sparrow for iPhone vin direct de la unul dintre co-fondatorii companiei dezvoltatoare a aplicatiei, Dominique Leca, care a dezvaluit totul in cadrul unui interviu pentru publicatia BusinessInsider. Sparrow pentru Mac OS X costa 7.99€ si daca nu ati testat-o inca va recomand sa o faceti pentru ca veti descoperi o cu totul alta experienta de utilizare a contului de email de pe propriul Mac.

Pretul initial:



Developer: Sparrow SARL
Categoria: Productivity

Descriere: Discover a new way to mail on your Mac.

Sparrow is a minimal e-mail application designed to keep things simple and efficient.
No gimmicks here… just your mail and nothing else.

Sparrow supports IMAP:
You can use the following mail providers with Sp…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 12.4 Mb