Stiu ca multi dintre voi cauta cele mai interesante si utile tweak-uri din Cydia asa ca in clipul video de mai sus veti gasi 30 dintre ele. Lista este facuta de un blogger american in functie de preferintele sale deci probabil nu veti gasi acolo chiar tot ce va intereseaza insa veti gasi destule tweak-uri cu adevarat utile. In lista nu sunt prezentate doar tweak-uri lansate anul acesta in Cydia deci vorbim si despre tweak-uri vechi dar care sunt importante si merita incercate macar o data pe iDevice-ul vostru.
My personal top 30 Cydia tweaks of 2011. The tweaks chosen are both new and old, popular and unpopular. 30 is a big number so, I hope that most of you are able to find a tweak that you will enjoy having on your iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad. The tweaks are my personal picks and we all will have our opinion. I know that there are allot of other awesome Cydia tweaks that I was unable to mention but, feel free to tell us about them in a video response or comment. Thank you for watching. Please subscribe for more over iOS devices. Please also comment and thumbs up as well as follow me on Facebook and Twitter. Thank you!
Mai jos aveti lista tuturor tweak-urilor iar in clip veti vedea ca este prezentat numele fiecarui tweak in parte cand se discuta despre el. Tweak-urile sunt disponibile fie in repo-ul BigBoss fie in repo-ul ModMyi.
- Tab+
- Multiconmover
- Infiniboard
- Infinidock
- SBSettings
- Alphacon
- Android Delete
- Graviboard
- Grid Lock
- Animate Battery
- Winterboard
- Flipover
- List Launcher
- Cy Delete
- Folder Enhancer
- Pull to Refresh Safari
- RetinaPad
- Barrel
- Camera Wallpaper
- icon renamer
- double tap to open
- Pagenames
- iSwipe
- Stayopened
- iTypeappleicon
- retina app icons
- page pusher
- Bytafont
- AndroidLock XT
- Insomnia