69 de jocuri la pretul de 0.79€ fiecare disponibile de la Big Fish Games

      In ton cu restul marilor producatori de jocuri pentru platforma iOS, compania Big Fish Games a hotarat sa reduca pretul pentru toate jocurile din oferta proprie. Vorbim despre 69 de jocuri care acum sunt disponibile la preturi promotionale pana luni cand desigur ca totul va reveni la normal. In cazul Big Fish Games vorbim despre o promotie care nu se va repeta curand deoarece compania nu obisnuieste sa reduca decat un numar limitat de jocuri in perioada sarbatorilor.

Toate jocurile sunt disponibile la pretul de 0.79€ fiecare.


  1. Amazon Hidden Expedition
  2. Antique Road Trip
  3. Atlantis Sky Patrol
  4. Awakening 2: Moonfell Wood
  5. Awakening: Dreamless Castle
  6. Azada
  7. Big City Adventure: New York City
  8. Big City Adventure: San Francisco
  9. Cooking Quest
  10. Death at Fairing Point
  11. Doors of the Mind
  12. Hidden Expedition Everest
  13. Hidden Mysteries: Buckingham Palace
  14. Hidden Mysteries : Civil War
  15. Flux Family Secrets
  16. Haunted Hotel 2: Believe the Lies
  17. Haunted Manor
  18. Hidden in Time: Mirror Mirror
  19. Hidden Wonders of the Depths 2
  20. Megaplex Madness
  21. Nanny Mania 2
  22. Nick Chase and the Deadly Diamond
  23. Nick Chase: A Detective Story
  24. Nightmare Adventures: The Witch’s Prison
  25. PuppetShow: Mystery of Joyville
  26. Rainbow Web II
  27. Secret Mission: The Forgotten Island
  28. Serpent of Isis
  29. Time Builders: Pyramid Rising
  30. Time Mysteries: Inheritance
  31. Hidden Expedition: Titanic
  32. Virtual Villagers: A New Home


  1. Hidden Expedition: Amazon
  2. Ancient Spirits: Columbus’ Legacy
  3. Antique Road Trip
  4. Awakening 2: Moonfell Wood
  5. Awakening: Dreamless Castle
  6. Azada
  7. Big City Adventure: New York City
  8. Big City Adventure: San Francisco
  9. Death at Fairing Point – gratuita
  10. Doors of the Mind
  11. Drawn: The Painted Tower
  12. Empress of the Deep
  13. Empress of the Deep 2
  14. Hidden Expedition: Everest
  15. Fisher’s Family Farm
  16. Flux Family Secrets
  17. Haunted Hotel 2: Believe the Lies
  18. Haunted Manor: Lord of Mirrors
  19. Hidden Mysteries: Buckingham Palace
  20. Hidden in Time: Mirror Mirror
  21. Hidden Wonders of the Depths 2
  22. Hospital Haste
  23. Mahjong Towers Touch
  24. Megaplex Madness
  25. Mystery Trackers: The Void
  26. Nanny Mania 2
  27. Nick Chase and the Deadly Diamond
  28. Nick Chase: A Detective Story
  29. Nightmare Adventures: The Witch’s Prison
  30. Pengu Wars
  31. Princess Isabella: A Witch’s Curse
  32. PuppetShow: Mystery of Joyville
  33. Secret Mission: The Forgotten Island
  34. Secrets of the Dragon Wheel
  35. Serpent of Isis
  36. Time Builders: Pyramid Rising
  37. Time Mysteries: Inheritance