TextinTime este o aplicatie disponibila in App Store de ceva vreme care ne permite sa programam expedierea de SMS-uri de pe propriile terminale iPhone. Zilele trecute vorbeam despre Future SMS, o aplicatie din Cydia care face exact acealasi lucru, insa unii dintre voi s-au plans ca respectiva aplicatie nu functioneaza chiar atat de bine precum o promoveaza dezvoltatorul. TextinTime face exact acelasi lucru doar ca ea este capabila sa se conecteze la aplicatia Calendar din iOS de unde poate prelua date despre eventuale zile de nastere sau intalniri marcate de catre noi. Programarea SMS-urilor este foarte simpla iar la data setata de voi aplicatia va aduce aminte printr-un pop-up ca aveti un SMS de trimis iar voi confirmati trimiterea prin simpla apasare a unui buton.
Iata principalele functii ale aplicatiei :
- Write a message whenever you wish and schedule it to be sent at the specific time
- Use SMS templates to save time or create your own to keep it personal
- Quickly and easily import events from your calendar
- Schedule your appointments and get reminders while you are on the go
- Manage your customers’ bookings and upcoming reservations
- Confirm social and business meetings with one touch
- Keep partying while your New Year and Christmas greetings are sent to the people you want
TextinTime este disponibila doar pentru iPhone la pretul de 0.79€.
Write texts when its convenient. Send them when it’s not!
Have you ever been in the situation when you suddenly realized that you’d forgotten to send a Birthday text or any a…