Video: Steve Jobs nominalizat pentru titlul de \”personalitatea anului\” acordat de Time Magazine


   Steve Jobs a fost unul dintre cei mai influenti oameni din lume in anul 2011 si un prezentator al postului de televiziune NBC a considerat ca fostul CEO al Apple merita titlul de cea mai importanta “personalitate a anului 2011”. Anul trecut Mark Zuckerberg a castigat acest titlu si reteaua de socializare Facebook l-a ajutat sa il castige insa anul acesta Steve Jobs are sanse foarte mari sa castige titlul celor de la Time. In 2011 Steve Jobs a prezentat iPad 2 si iCloud insa probabil faptul ca a incetat din viata va conta foarte mult, titlul putand fi o incununare a unei munci de o viata.

One guy, who changed our world, and I said to Seth Meyers as we walked across Sixth Avenue, ‘Just look with me on this one block walk at how he changed the world around us. Look at how he changed the world.’ Not only did he change the world, but he gave us that spirit again that something was possible that you could look at a piece of plastic or glass and move your finger– that’s outlandish. You could make things bigger or smaller like that. ‘Oh the places you’ll go’ and oh the way you will change forever the music and television industries. So may he rest in peace, Steve Jobs, and the spirit he represents, are my nominee for Person of the Year.

   Steve Jobs ar putea fi prima persoana care castiga acest titlu post-mortem insa deocamdata Time nu a luat vreo decizie cu privire la castigator. Eu unul cred ca in final cei de la Time ii vor acorda lui Steve Jobs premiul si totul pentru cariera de succes care s-a sfarsit brusc in luna octombrie a acestui an.