Infinity Blade 2 update disponibil, rezolva probleme cu disparitia salvarilor din conturi


   Infinity Blade 2 a fost lansat pe 1 decembrie in App Store insa din pacate a venit si cu destul de multe probleme pentru utilizatori. Pe langa problemele ce afectau performantele, unii utilizatori au descoperit ca din conturile pe care le aveau in joc au inceput sa dispara salvarile facute cand jucau Infinity Blade 1. Problema era destul de raspandita, pentru ea s-a gasit o rezolvare neoficiala pe care v-am explicat-o aici insa se pare ca dezvoltatorii de la Chair ar fi reusit sa rezolve oficial problema si au lansat in cursul acestei seri un update pentru joc.

Today we released an update for Infinity Blade II that solves a problem reported by a small percentage of users. We refer to the correction of problems that caused a crash and the loss of game progress. Thanks for your patience and feedback from our fans, we have added some free items that will help users in their quest.

To thank the team added some items, temporary and permanent. With regard to temporary workers, we have introduced various types of potions and the key media that will enhance the gaming experience. These items will be offered for a limited time and will be deleted with the next update. As for permanent introductions, to assist users who have lost their game data due to the problem listed above, we decided to introduce three new economic weapons called “Grinders” with three different XP and gems highly customizable. These items will remain in the game forever.

We will continue to investigate and improve the performance of the game to correct any problem.

   Desi in changelog-ul din App Store nu se specifica in mod clar faptul ca a fost rezolvata problema salvarilor, echipa de dezvoltare de la Chair a publicat anuntul de mai sus pe propriul website. In concluzie, acum totul ar trebui sa functioneze fara probleme in jocurile voastre.