Video: Order & Chaos Christmas update disponibil in App Store


  Order & Chaos este poate cel mai popular MMORPG din App Store si in cursul serii trecute compania dezvoltatoare Gameloft a lansat un update pentru el. Pentru ca sarbatoarea Craciunului se apropie cu pasi repezi, cei de la Gameloft s-au gandit sa aduca spiritul acestui eveniment si in taramul virtual din Order & Chaos asa ca prin instalarea update-ului veti schimba destul de mult fata jocului. Cei de la Gameloft au inclus o insula speciala numita Christmas Island unde jucatorii vor putea cumpara diverse item-uri specifice sarbatorii Craciunului.

  Iata tot ce aduce nou Order & Chaos 1.0.7:

Whether you have chosen to fight for Order or Chaos, it’s holiday time for all!
This is your lucky year; get ready to discover exclusive items, quests and a special new location. You may also want to visit some of your old favorite areas to find new holiday surprises.

New Content:

  • New Holiday island with special quests and items
  • Full customization of Greenmont City and the main locations of the Realm (trees, gifts, and more)
  • Special in-game looks for NPCs (Non-Player Characters), customized with Santa Claus outfits
  • New high-level items
  • New pets

  Order & Chaos este disponibil in App Store sub forma unei aplicatii universale care costa 5.49€.

Pretul initial:
Order & Chaos© Online



Developer: Gameloft S.A.
Categoria: Games

Descriere: Finally a true real-time, full-3D MMORPG comes to the App Store: Explore a vast heroic fantasy world and join thousands of players in this massively multiplayer online experience that pushes the boundaries of epic!


Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 649.9 Mb