Saptamana aceasta Apple a anuntat ca Fair Labor Association va derula o serie de investigatii in fabricile Foxconn care construiesc iDevice-urile companiei Apple. Cei de la Reuters au publicat un articol in care prezentau fabricile Foxconn intr-o lumina foarte buna citand afirmatii ale CEO-ului FLA. Din pacate afirmatiile lui Auret van Heerden, CEO al FLA, reflectau interactiunile trecute cu fabricile companiei Foxconn si nicidecum situatia actuala. El sustine ca in momentul de fata fabricile Foxconn respecta foarte putine dintre standardele privind conditiile de munca si ca situatia angajatilor de acolo este ingrijoratoare.
Van Heerden said the comments reflected his previous interactions with Foxconn… Apple had commissioned the FLA to carry out smaller projects in the past two years, in order to try out some of the inspection techniques used by the group to more effectively root out workplace problems. We’re finding tons of issues. I believe we’re going to see some very significant announcements in the near future. Van Heerden said that FLA’s 30-person inspection team will interview 35,000 Foxconn employees, via meetings with small groups of randomly picked workers, chosen to reflect the demographics of the campus in terms of age, gender and skill levels. As part of the process, workers log answers to questions on tablets connected to FLA servers so they can be tabulated.
Cei de la FLA urmeaza sa publice documente in care detaliaza modul in care lucreaza angajatii Foxconn din China insa pana atunci se pare ca realitatea de acolo este mai mult decat dura. Aseara v-am spus ca Foxconn va mari salariile angatilor sau cu pana la 25% si aceasta este mai mult ca sigur o masura prin care compania incearca sa isi linisteasca “animalele”, asa cum si-a numit CEO-ul Foxconn angajatii. Cred ca Apple va avea foarte multe explicatii de dat in viitor in legatura cu situatia de acolo desi Tim Cook a asigurat in repetate randuri lumea intreaga ca Apple are grija ca angajatii Foxconn sa lucreze in conditii bune.