Astazi compania Samsung a intentat un nou proces companiei Apple insa de aceasta data Coreea de Sud si nu Germania este locatia in care avocatii celor doua companii se vor intalni in instante. Samsung sustine ca iPhone 4S si iPad 2 incalca nu mai putin de 3 brevete de inventie care au legatura cu tehnologii pentru afisarea datelor, trimiterea de mesaje scurte si afisarea interfatei de utilizator. Aceasta este una dintre multele tentative de a bloca vanzarile de iDevice-uri in mai multe tari de pe glob insa pana in acest moment Samsung nu a reusit decat sa piarda si sa se apere in procese importante impotriva Apple.
Samsung Electronics Co said on Wednesday it has filed another lawsuit against Apple Inc in South Korea, claiming the iPhone 4S and iPad2 infringed on three of its patents. The move escalates the tension between the firms as they vie for dominance of the mobile device market, after a series of legal clashes in Australia, Germany, and the Netherlands. Samsung said the fresh suit, filed on Tuesday to a Seoul court, covers three utility patents and involves methods of displaying data, the user interface, and short text messages.