Chronic Dev Team vorbeste despre jailbreak-ul noului Apple TV pe iOS 5.1

  In cursul acestei nopti cei de la Chronic Dev Team au scris un articol lung pe tema jailbreak-ului pentru noul Apple TV iar in cele ce urmeaza voi detalia punctele esentiale atinse de ei. Practic in articol se vorbeste despre faptul ca exploatarea noului produs se va dovedi a fi extrem de dificila pentru ca Apple a micsorat spatiul in care se pot descoperi/utiliza exploit-uri pentru iOS-ul instalat in aceste Apple TV-uri. MuscleNerd a spus acest lucru acum cateva saptamani de zile, Chronic Dev Team afirma aceleasi lucruri acum si practic nu se stie daca/cand va fi disponibila o solutie de jailbreak pentru noul produs avand in vedere masurile suplimentare de securitate implementate de Apple.

I’m sure mostly everyone reading this article has probably heard MuscleNerds thought’s on jailbreaking the AppleTV 3, I echo his sentiments. I believe he said the “attack surface” is much smaller, I couldn’t have put it better. There is no built in default web browser, there are less services running, with no web browser and less services running there are fewer places to smoke/fuzz out a vulnerability.

  Daca jailbreak-ul pentru Apple TV 3 pare putin probabil acum, cei de la Chronic Dev Team spun ca jailbreak-ul pentru Apple TV 2G este in lucru si este destul de aproape de finalizare multumita bootrom exploit-ului lansat de geohot acum un an si jumatate de zile. Ei au reusit sa gaseasca un untethered jailbreak exploit pe care il pregatesc acum pentru o lansare oficiala si multe dintre aplicatiile voastre favorite ar trebui sa functioneze in continuare fara probleme de data ce solutia va fi disponibila.

I’m sure many reading this post are aware that with the geohots A4 limera1n exploit it’s always possible (and quite simple) to jailbreak each new version that is released with relative ease. What isn’t easy is finding an vulnerability for an untethered exploit, and sometimes, massive software changes require a lot of work to achieve cross compatibility with a reasonable range of software versions. As of right now the jailbreak for 5.1 on the AppleTV is limited to a tethered jailbreak, yes I am aware that Stefan Esser (@i0n1c) has an untethered exploit, I don’t know any further details, and am not certain of whether or not he intends to share his research. The tethered jailbreak is only part of the problem, right now we are still busily sorting out legacy and compatibility issues to make sure all roads still go through beigelist when loading third party appliances. I’m not certain how long it will take to merge the differences between beigelist and espresso, hopefully, not much longer.

  Din pacate nu am vesti noi pentru restul posesorilor de iDevice-uri care asteapta o solutie de untethered jailbreak pentru iOS 5.1 asa ca asteptarea continua pentru toata lumea.