QuickOffice este una dintre cele mai bune suite de tip office pentru terminale mobile, aplicatiile companiei cu acelasi nume fiind cumparate de sute de mii de utilizatori din intreaga lume. Aplicatiile sunt atat de bune incat cei de la Google nu le-au putut trece cu vederea, asa ca au achizitionat compania care le produce. Intr-un articol publicat astazi pe propriul blog, cei de la Google au anuntat achizitia si sustin ca functionalitatea aplicatiilor va fi integrata in aplicatiile web ale companiei.
We’re happy to announce that we have acquired Quickoffice, a leader in office productivity solutions. Today, consumers, businesses and schools use Google Apps to get stuff done from anywhere, with anyone and on any device. Quickoffice has an established track record of enabling seamless interoperability with popular file formats, and we’ll be working on bringing their powerful technology to our Apps product suite. Quickoffice has a strong base of users, and we look forward to supporting them while we work on an even more seamless, intuitive and integrated experience.
Sincer sa fiu ma astept ca Google sa faca in asa fel incat doar Android-ul sa beneficieze de anumite functii prin suita QuickOffice si cred ca aceasta achizitie se va dovedi a fi in detrimentul posesorilor de iDevice-uri in viitor.