Apple inchide MobileMe, pastreaza serviciile de migrare si Find My iPhone

  Ieri v-am atentionat ca Apple urmeaza sa inchida definitiv serviciul MobileMe si iata ca acest lucru s-a intamplat intr-un final, compania publicand astazi mesajul de mai sus pe website-ul unde va puteati loga folosind respectivele conturi. Cei de la Apple ofera in continuare utilizatorilor posibilitatea de a isi migra conturile MobileMe in iCloud, dar si de a descarca pozele din Galerii sau fisierele din sistemul iDisk. Desigur ca nici serviciul Find My iPhone nu a fost oficial inchis in MobileMe, utilizatorii avand, pentru o perioada limitata de timp, posibilitatea de a localiza un iDevice pierdut/furat.

  Daca nu ati migrat inca de la MobileMe la iCloud, Apple va forteaza sa o faceti si din pacate nu aveti alte optiuni la dispozitie. Mai jos aveti o istorie  a MobileMe conceputa de cei de la 9to5Mac.

MobileMe started its life as iTools, a free collection of Internet-based tools for Mac users that launched on January 5, 2000. iTools users would receive a free email address and the first iteration of iDisk, among other features. Two and a half years later, Apple rebranded the service as .Mac and added several new features to the bundle, including a virus scanner and a backup utility. While previous web-based services had been free, .Mac was the first version of the bundle to cost anything. Apple priced .Mac at $99 a year–a price considered far too steep by many whocriticized the limited number of services it offered.

In 2008, Apple once again renamed and revamped the system, calling it MobileMe. The new service launched alongside the 2.0 version of what was then called “iPhone OS”, the iPhone 3G and the iPhone App Store. The launch was unfortunately plagued by access problems and frequent downtime, likely due to Apple simply trying to do too much all at once. In an internal email to employees, Steve Jobs recognized that fact and noted that “the launch of MobileMe was not our finest hour.” The same email informed Apple’s employees that Jobs had appointed Eddy Cue to the newly-created position Vice President of Internet Services, putting Cue in charge of the iTunes Store, the iPhone App Store, and MobileMe.

In 2010, Apple began experimenting with a free cloud service by offering certain features of MobileMe for free. Specifically, Find My iPhone, which had previously only been available through the $99-a-year service would become available to most users running iOS 4.2.

Apple put the final nail in MobileMe’s coffin in 2011. As boxed retail versions of MobileMe began disappearing from Apple Stores, many speculated that the service would soon be free to all users. Those rumors proved to be true when Apple announced iCloud, an updated version of MobileMe with new features and no price tag. Under the guidance of Eddy Cue, iCloud experienced a much smoother launch than its predecessor.

Apple gave MobileMe subscribers just under a year to migrate to iCloud before the lights went out on MobileMe permanently and offered a free year of service to anyone with an active MobileMe account on June 6, 2011 (sadly only two weeks after I had finished by 60-day free trial without renewing).