Saptamanile trecute Apple a castigat dreptul de a interzice vanzarea in SUA a produselor Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 si Samsung Galaxy Nexus. La scurt timp dupa ce a indeplinit procedurile legale pentru impunerea acestor interdictii, cei de la Apple au trimis scrisori catr operatorii de telefonie mobila si marii retaileri din SUA cerandu-le sa scoata din vanzare cele doua produse ale companiei coreene. Desi Samsung a reusit sa obtina o suspendare a interdictiei privind vanzarea Galaxy Nexus-ului, tableta Galaxy Tab 10.1 este interzisa la vanzare in SUA, cei de la Apple folosindu-si avocatii pentru a impune acest drept.
…a couple of Samsung filings say that Apple’s enforcement activities include letters to “to many carriers and retail companies that currently sell” the banned products, telling them that “[a]t a minimum” they are required to “immediately remov[e] for sale the [banned product] from all physical and online venues under [their] direction or control”. Samsung filed letters from the San Francisco-based law firm of Taylor & Company sent on Apple’s behalf to downstream customers. Apparently, letters relating to the Galaxy Tab 10.1 went out on June 28, and letters concerning the Galaxy Nexus were sent on July 3 (before the injunction was stayed).
Cei de la Apple nu au stat prea mult pe ganduri in ceea ce priveste impunerea propriilor drepturi si se pare ca Samsung foloseste actiunile Apple in procesele dintre cele doua companii, probabil in ideea de a isi readuce tableta Galaxy Tab 10.1 in vanzare.