Desi Apple nu a vandut la fel de multe smartphone-uri precum Samsung in ultimul trimestru fiscal, compania a recuperat din plin cand vine vorba despre tablete si a recuperat mult mai mult daca vorbim despre profit. Apple a incasat 77% din profitul intregii industrii a producatorilor de smartphone-uri si tablete si a avut singura 43% din incasarile inregii industrii. Desi in acest trimestru fiscal Apple nu a iesit pe primul loc in ceea ce priveste vanzarile de smartphone-uri, compania reuseste sa se mentina pe primul loc in ceea ce priveste profitul, o pozitie pe care nu a mai cedat-o de cativa ani buni de zile, mai exact de cand a inceput sa vanda iPhone 3GS.
Though it shipped only about 6 percent of the industry’s smartphones and tablets in the second quarter, Apple captured about 43 percent of the industry’s revenues, according to Raymond James analyst Tavis McCourt. And it generated an astonishing 77 percent of the industry’s operating profits. This, even in a seasonally weak period for iPhone sales. Ultimately, profits are the feedstock of innovation; and, innovation drives profits. Until Samsung starts generating more profits than Apple, we would not be overly concerned with who has the unit share lead. Remember, HP and Dell still sell a lot more PCs than Apple sells Macs, but does it matter?
Desi profitul celor de la Apple a scazut considerabil in acest trimestru fiscal, nu poate avea cineva indoiala ca pierderea va fi recuperata de indata ce iPhone 5 va ajunge pe piata si sezonul cumparaturilor de iarna va incepe. Apple a avut un trimestru fiscal mai slab decat se asteptau unii, mai slab decat primele doua ale anului 2012, insa fata de anul trecut compania a crescut foarte mult.