iPhone 5 ar putea veni cu acest nou model de casti(Video)


  Direct de la vietnamezii care in general au informatii corecte despre produse Apple inca nelansate, avem clipul video de mai sus in care ne este prezentat ceea ce pare a fi un nou model de casti special concepute pentru iPhone 5. Vietnamezii sustin ca pereche de casti din clip va fi inclusa in pachetul iPhone 5, o companie din Vietnam producandu-le pentru Apple in momentul de fata. Castile au un design complet schimbat, acesta ar tine castile mult mai ferme in ureche si nu ar genera discomfort dupa o purtare indelungata, insa ramane de vazut si daca sunetul va fi redat la fel de bine.

In my hands are the new earphones for the iPhone 5 that is about to come out – Apple’s next generation of iPod [sic]. These will replace the current earphones that are on the market. These are manufactured at Phax Co factory in Vietnam. They have the appearance of a horse’s head, not like earbuds. When they are worn, they have a much smaller profile. They have the appearance of a fully integrated, single unit – there’s no part that looks like it would come apart – not like earbuds; the integrated design is characteristic of Apple products. Here I have the old earphones for comparison. The new ones are much smaller; when they are worn, they do not hurt the way earbuds do. You can see on the old ones the surface is a separate part that looks like it can be detached – not like the small surface of the new one. The old earphones were mostly made in China, with some in Vietnam. But the new ones are clearly made in Vietnam. (Reading from the wires): “Designed by Apple in California, assembled in Vietnam.”

  Din clip castile par a fi produse pentru Apple, insa design-ul neobisnuit este cel care pune in discutie autenticitatea informatiei. Actualele casti ale iPhone-urilor au ramas neschimbate inca din 2007, deci un model nou ar fi binevenit acum.