WhatsApp has decided to implement an official change for its messaging app for iPhone and Android, the change being made secretly by the messaging platform, and it's one of the most interesting we've seen in a very long time.
WhatsApp decided that it would finally be necessary to pay more attention to the requests of its users from all over the world, and to conduct a series of surveys to find out more information about the experience of those with iPhone and Android who use the application now.
WhatsApp Messenger creates a special chat where people will be able to participate in these special surveys that the messaging platform will run, and you can see below how everything will look after it will be officially offered to everyone by the company.
The conversations in which we will provide information about the experience we have in the messaging platform will also be encrypted, just like the rest of the conversations, so we can be sure that no one will be able to read those either, which is extremely good.
WhatsApp will invite various users to participate in the conversations during which the surveys with the information that the company is interested in will be revealed, so not everyone will have access to this special service, but even so, we are talking about a very interesting measure that the Americans implement to better understand what we want.