MAY: Official LAST MINUTE Alert regarding Cyclone Ashley in Romania on September 29, 2024

MAY Official LAST MOMENT Alert Cyclone Ashley Romania September 29, 2024

Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI) published today an official last-minute alert, talking about the impact that cyclone Ashley could have, pointing out that ANM, the National Meteorological Administration, issued code yellow and code orange warnings for several regions of the country , due to severe weather conditions.

MAY says that following these warnings, firefighters, gendarmes and policemen are already mobilized in the field, constantly monitoring the situation and being prepared for quick interventions in case of emergency, which is expected to happen in the next few hours.

MAI appeals to the population to follow some simple, but extremely important recommendations for everyone's safety. Citizens are advised to clean ditches near their homes to facilitate the drainage of rainwater and to prevent flooding.

In the case of strong winds, it is important to avoid passing by trees, poles, billboards or other structures that can be dislodged by the wind. It is also recommended to avoid traveling in areas affected by floods or affected by weather warnings. If travel is strictly necessary, make sure you are well informed about the weather conditions on the route you want to travel.

Before leaving for the road, it is essential to check the technical condition of the vehicle, including the air conditioning systems, lighting and windshield wipers. Crossing watercourses in flood risk areas should be avoided.

To be up to date with official information and safety measures, the national emergency preparedness platform, FiiPregatit, as well as the DSU application, are the reliable sources you can turn to in these critical moments.

The authorities remain alert and will teacher to closely monitor the situation, ready to intervene promptly if necessary. Following the recommendations can save lives and prevent significant material damage.

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