The Minister of Energy, Sebastian Burduja, confirmed today that the Varfu Campului Dam project, already declared an objective of national importance in the field of water management, has entered a decisive stage. The official stressed, once again, that ensuring access to water remains the priority of his mandate, mentioning that the investment is vital for tens of thousands of residents of Botosani, Dorohoi and Suceava – a region considered the pole of drought in the country.
During a meeting with Valeriu Iftime, president of the Botosani County Council, and representatives of the Suceava County Council, the minister discussed ways to accelerate this crucial investment. The discussions were also attended by specialists from the Romanian National Waters Administration (ANAR), the National Environmental Protection Agency (ANPM), the Siret Water Basin Administration, as well as representatives from the Water and Legal Directorate of the Ministry of Environment.
According to Sebastian Burduja, the parties involved have assumed a strict timetable, so that the project can be implemented in compliance with all environmental conditions. The minister hopes that, by April 1, the date set for issuing the environmental agreement, all institutions that must issue the necessary approvals will have a constructive approach, so that bureaucratic processes will be streamlined.
"Water should not be a luxury for any Romanian. I am convinced that where there is a will, there are solutions. Residents of Suceava and Botosani counties have been waiting for 37 years for the water crisis to be resolved, and now we are on the right track," declared the Minister of Energy.
The Varfu Campului reservoir will not only ensure a constant flow of drinking water, but will also contribute to flood protection in the entire Siret floodplain. In addition, the completion of the works on this dam means substantial savings in the long term, by reducing maintenance costs, repairs and costs of pumping water over distances of tens of kilometers.
"I know that there are other areas in the country that urgently need solutions for drinking water supply. We started with the drought pole, but we will not stop there. I want to assure the residents of Botosani and Suceava that they have my full support and that we are doing everything in our power so that the moment when people will be able to drink the first cup of water from the Varfu Campului dam is as close as possible," said Sebastian Burduja.
The Varfu Campului Dam project is considered essential for the economic and social development of the area, offering long-term solutions in terms of water supply and prevention of extreme phenomena caused by drought and flooding. The authorities assure that the steps to obtain all environmental permits and documents necessary for the construction are being carried out at an alert pace, so that the implementation of the project can begin as soon as possible.