Gmail Push este o aplicatie foarte utila pentru cei care au un cont de Gmail si il folosesc in mod constant pentru a trimite sau a primit mailuri. iPhone OS nu suporta Push Notifications by default pentru conturile Gmail, doar pentru cele Yahoo, si Gmail Push rezolva problema aceasta foarte simplu si usor insa adauga si o serie intreaga de facilitati care lipsesc in mod normal din aplicatia Mail a iPhone OS.
Iata lista de features a aplicatiei :
– Instant Push Notifications;
– Native support for Gmail and Vodafone;
– Landscape support for fullscreen mode;
– Ability to set a period of time for which the PUSH function will not work;
– 24 different ringtones to choose from;
– Icon badge for unread emails that automatically updates itself if you read the emails such as from a computer or the native mail;
– Possibility to se annonymous emails;
– Auto login to Gmail;
– Ability to directly open SafariMobile or native app instead of Gmail’s Mail-PUSH;
– Integrated browser;
– Posibility to save images in the camera roll;
– You can choose what to display in the popup windows of the mail notification;
– Forwarding support;
– Securre SSL connection;
– Offline access support.
Foarte multe facilitati si optiuni care fac din aceasta aplicatie un must-have pentru cei al caror e-mail principal este la Google.