Fake App este o aplicatie lansata in cursul noptii trecute in Cydia, iar cu ajutorul ei putem face aplicatii simple cu ajutorul carora ne putem impresiona prietenii. Mai exact, aceasta aplicatie va da posibilitatea de a crea o simpla aplicatie pentru iOS in care putem personaliza cateva dintre aspectele ei principale, putem aduaga cateva efecte si cam atat. Rezultatul final va fi o aplicatie nu foarte complexa care va fi personalizata dupa placul nostru si va da oricui de inteles ca a fost dezvoltata chiar de catre noi.
Impress your friend with this cool App, Make everyone believe you developed your own App! Change the app name, titles, colors and fonts, select your own background image… Customize the Profile page with your details, Enter your biography and set your profile picture… Set direct links to your facebook, twitter, youtube and google+ page or even your personal website! Tap or drag your fingers over the screen and your name will spin around the screen. Take control of any aspect of this cool App! Universal App, Compatible with iPhone, iPad, iPod. How its works ? : Shake your device and a secret setup screen will appear. in this menu you can define : 1. App Title. 2. App Title color. 3. Dynamic Label with Your Name that will appear on the screen when you tap it! 4. Label Size. 5. Your picture as background. 6. Enter your Bio and set your profile picture.
Fake App este disponibila gratuit in repo-ul ModMyi al Cydia.